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St Peter's
Catholic School

Trips and Visits

A wide variety of day and residential trips extends the curriculum beyond the classroom and allows for cultural enrichment as well as personal and social development. Students regularly visit theatres, galleries, museums and other places of interest as part of their academic studies.

Annual destinations include West Wittering for Geography fieldwork, a Hindu Mandir, the Churchill War Rooms, the Kintbury Retreat Centre and a skiing trip to America or Europe.

Additional trips include a Business trip to New York, Music trip to Austria, Science trip to Switzerland, Geography trip to Iceland, an RE trip to Rome, as well as several language trips to France and Spain.

Please refer to the calendar for all trip dates and refer to our Latest News section for the highlights.

Parental Consent Form

All St Peter’s parents/carers have provided a Parental Consent Form for their son/daughter in order to take part in any of the visits (including residential) and other activities that take place off school premises. However, it is every parent’s responsibility to contact the School Office if there are any medical changes.

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