Title |
Last Name |
Job Title(s) |
Email Address (Main) |
Mrs |
Balti |
Teaching Assistant |
mbalti@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Barnes |
Senior Science Technician |
mbarnes@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Bassa |
Assistant Site Manager |
dbassa@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Bates |
Head of Computing / Professional Tutor |
pbates@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Batt |
Head of Design Technology |
jbatt@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Belamy |
Finance Officer |
fbelamy@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Bell |
Teacher of Design & Technology |
sbell@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Binyon |
Teacher of Mathematics |
jbinyon@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Blackbourn |
Deputy SENCo |
lblackbourn@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Blackett |
Assistant Chaplain |
fblackett@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Blackmur |
Teacher of Mathematics / Head of Year 8 |
jblackmur@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Bowen |
Higher Level Teaching Assistant |
nbowen@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Brewer |
Head of Biology |
ebrewer@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Bromley |
Teacher of Design Technology / Assistant Head of Year 11 |
sbromley@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Brooks |
Assistant Headteacher |
fbrooks@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Brown |
Joint Second in English |
abrown@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Brown |
Technology Technician |
fbrown@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Buchanan-Robinson |
Personal Assistant to Headteacher |
abuchananrobinson@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Buslotan |
School Caretaker |
jbuslotan@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Butler |
Teacher of Sociology |
jbutler@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Byrne |
Teacher of Science |
tbyrne@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Calvert |
Careers Advisor |
scalvert@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Campbell |
Teacher of Computing / Head of Year 10 |
scampbell@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Campbell |
Teacher of Religious Education / Head of Year 9 |
icampbell@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Carter |
Teacher of English |
gcarter@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Cartledge |
Head of Science |
mcartledge@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Castellain |
Database Administrator |
mcastellain@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Catchpole |
SEN Administration Assistant and Student Support |
ccatchpole@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Chapman |
Teacher of French |
lchapman@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Chapman |
Teacher of Science |
rchapman@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Conway |
Teacher of Religious Education |
sconway@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Cooper |
Teacher of Science |
ccooper@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Copeland |
Assistant Head of Computer Science |
scopeland@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Coss |
Reprographics Coordinator |
acoss@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Ms |
Cox |
Teacher of Art |
scox@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Crome |
Deputy Headteacher |
scrome@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Dickson |
Receptionist |
jdickson@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Dillon |
Pastoral Support Administrator, Admin Support |
mdillon@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Dodsworth |
Teacher of Geography / Head of Year 12 |
adodsworth@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Doran |
Teacher of Mathematics |
ldoran@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Driscoll |
Teacher of Geography |
kdriscoll@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Ebbs |
Teacher of History / Assistant Head of Year 9 |
lebbs@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Ebenezer |
Assistant Headteacher |
mebenezer@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Evans |
Assistant Headteacher |
jevans@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Evans |
Deputy Headteacher |
levans@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Fagg |
Teacher of History |
jfagg@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Fernandez Fraguas |
Teacher of Mathematics |
jfernandezfraguas@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Fewson |
Science Technician |
kfewson@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Fogell |
Joint Head of Religious Education |
hfogell@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Ms |
Foia |
Teacher of Mathematics |
afoia@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Fornasiero |
Admissions Administrator |
pfornasiero@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Fraser |
Teacher of English / Coaching Lead |
efraser@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Fuller |
ICT Technician |
pfuller@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Gallagher |
Hr Manager, Finance Officer |
michelle.gallagher@ntlworld.com |
Mr |
Gardiner |
ICT Network Manager |
dgardiner@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Godfree |
Head of Year 11 / Cover Supervisor |
ggodfree@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Goldrick |
Teaching Assistant |
ggoldrick@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Goncalves |
Senior Receptionist |
agoncalves@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Goswell-Steele |
Finance Officer |
agsteele@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Green |
Subject Tutor for Religious Education |
sgreen@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Gregg |
Head of Mathematics |
jgregg@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Haimes |
Finance Assistant |
khaimes@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Hanford |
Teacher of Music |
ahanford@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Hardy |
Teacher of Physical Education |
ehardy@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Hardy |
Teaching Assistant |
khardy@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Hartley |
Head of Art |
rhartley@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Hartley |
Teacher of Mathematics / Head of Year 7 |
dhartley@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Hayward |
Second in Design Technology |
rhayward@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Hegg |
Teacher of English / Development & Enrichment Lead for Sixth Form |
shegg@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Hegg |
Teacher of Psychology |
lhegg@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Hemmings |
School Counsellor |
ahemmings@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Hodson |
Teacher of Mathematics |
shodson@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Holland |
Teacher of Drama |
hholland@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Holmes |
Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages |
nholmes@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Hulland |
Head of Drama |
jmhulland@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Hulland |
Head of Modern Foreign Languages |
jhulland@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Hulse |
Sixth Form Administrator |
ahulse@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Isaacs |
Business Manager |
aisaacs@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Johnson |
Joint Second in English / Teacher in charge of Initial Training |
cjohnson@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Jones |
Teacher of Art & Photography |
cjones@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Dr |
Karavida |
Teacher of History/ Access Arrangements Coordinator, Teaching Assistant |
kkaravida@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Kemp |
Teacher of Art, Art Technician |
jkemp@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Kingston |
Higher Level Teaching Assistant |
jkingston@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Legrand |
Acting Joint Head of Religious Education |
dlegrand@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Leon |
Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages |
nleon-lohou@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Lewis |
Examinations Coordinator |
tlewis@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Ms |
Lim |
Sixth Form Admin Support Manager |
mlim@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Lo |
ICT Technician |
hlo@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Lo |
Teaching Assistant |
wlo@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Lui |
Teaching Assistant |
clui@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Ms |
Lynch |
Teacher of Design & Technology |
clynch@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Martin |
Safeguarding Administrative Assistant |
mmartin@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Martin |
Teacher of English / Head of Classics / EPQ Coordinator / IAG/UCAS Coordinator |
emartin@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Mastromarco |
Home-School Liaison Officer / ELSA |
smastromarco@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Mastromarco |
Teaching Assistant |
amastromarco@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
McAvoy |
Teacher of Mathematics / Deputy Head of Sixth Form |
rmcavoy@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
McCaul |
Teacher of English |
lmccaul@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
McLaughlin |
Teacher of Science |
smclaughlin@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
McLoughlin |
Teacher of Science |
dmcloughlin@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
McMillan |
Deputy DSL |
kmcmillan@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Ms |
Meoli |
Head of Citizenship / Teacher of Media |
cmeoli@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Miller |
Headteacher |
tmiller@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Miller |
Joint Second in Mathematics |
smiller@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Miller |
Teacher in charge of Psychology |
xmiller@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Milner |
Higher Level Teaching Assistant |
vmilner@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Mitchell |
Teaching Assistant |
smitchell@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Morling |
Joint Head of Religious Education |
mmorling@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Mortimer |
Teacher in charge of Spanish |
mmortimer@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Myatt |
Head of Music |
omyatt@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Newton |
Teaching Assistant |
jnewton@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Ms |
Ngai |
Cover Supervisor |
kngai@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Niland |
Exams Assistant |
nniland@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Noonan |
Deputy Headteacher |
znoonan@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Nwana |
Teacher of Business & Economics |
cnwana@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Occomore |
Joint Second in English |
hoccomore@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Osborne |
Teacher of Science |
josborne@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
O'Shea |
Teacher of English |
eoshea@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Palmer |
Second in Physical Education |
dpalmer@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Paterson-Spir |
Head of Physics |
jpaterson-spir@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Payne |
Science Technician |
dpayne@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Pollard |
Teacher of Religious Education / Assistant Head of Year 10 |
fpollard@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Potter-Searle |
Attendance Officer |
cpotter-searle@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Power |
Head of History |
spower@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Power |
SEN Co-ordinator |
lpower@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Price |
Teacher of Physical Education |
mprice@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Quezada |
School Caretaker |
gquezada@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Rana |
Teacher of Science |
brana@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Rana-Brown |
Assistant Headteacher / Head of Sixth Form |
nranabrown@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Resa |
Head of Geography |
hresa@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Richards |
Teacher of Physical Education |
jrichards@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Ridgers |
Food Technology Technician |
dridgers@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Rodrigues |
Teacher of Business |
jrodrigues@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Rojas |
Premises Manager |
jrojas@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Sanjurjo |
Teacher of Geography / ECT & ECT +1 |
hsanjurjo@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Sawa |
Assistant Headteacher |
asawa@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Schweizer |
Teaching Assistant |
jschweizer@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Sellars |
Chaplain |
tsellars@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Shajpal |
Higher Level Teaching Assistant |
nshajpal@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Shearer-Freyne |
Head of English |
nshearerfreyne@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Smith |
Admissions Administrator |
rsmith@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Steady |
Teacher of English |
ksteady@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Steady |
Teacher of Religious Education / Head of Year 13 |
msteady@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Stoker-Boon |
Head of Physical Education |
lboon@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Sumner |
Teacher of Business & Economics / Assistant Head of Year 7 |
lsumner@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Taylor |
Teacher of Mathematics |
ktaylor@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Thomas |
Head of Business Studies / BTEC Coordinator |
cthomas@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss |
Todd |
School First Aider |
btodd@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Viljoen |
Teacher of Mathematics / Assistant Head of Year 8 |
mviljoen@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Ward |
Deputy DSL |
jward@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Warren |
Cover Supervisor / Assistant Sixth Form Coordinator |
awarren@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
White |
Finance Officer |
vwhite@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Wong |
Teaching Assistant |
twong@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr |
Woodhouse |
Head of Chemistry |
dwoodhouse@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Wreford-Doree |
Teaching Assistant |
cwreford-doree@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs |
Young |
Higher Level Teaching Assistant |
cyoung@st-peters.surrey.sch.uk |