Programme of Study
Our students have an excellent record of success and through our broad curriculum we offer varied pathways in order that students can find courses, which help them to achieve their aspirations. We will work with you to ensure you choose the right subjects, related to your academic strengths and career path and continue to advise you to optimise your chances of success.
At St Peter’s, students can choose from an extensive range of A Levels, a combination of A Levels and BTECs and the Extended Project Qualification. We also work in partnership with other local schools to share resources and specialised teaching, in order to offer a wider choice of subjects. Please refer to the Curriculum section on the website and information booklet for detailed information.
Students meet the 16-19 programme study requirements by engaging as follows:
- Three times ten hour subject choices
- Two hours Theology
- Four hours enrichment
- Four hours skills and careers
- Daily tutor time
A Levels
Students starting at St Peter’s Sixth Form in 2022 will choose three subjects to be studied throughout the two years, leading to a final examination at the end of the course. This is in line with the government guidance, where A Levels are studied in a linear fashion.
A minority of students may be given the opportunity to start with four A Levels with a view to reducing to three after one of two assessment points throughout Year 12. Linear A Levels do not have modular coursework components except in a small number of practical subjects.
BTEC Nationals
BTECs are more practical, work-related courses and are taken either as a Diploma (equivalent to two A Levels) or a Subsidiary Diploma (equivalent to one A Level). Assessments consist of a mixture of coursework and exams. Each course is nationally recognised and offers an excellent route of progression to either higher education, employment or apprenticeships.
Students are offered the opportunity to study all BTEC courses or a combination of BTEC and A Level. The emphasis is on finding the right course where students will be successful and happy.