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St Peter's
Catholic School

Year 11/10 Rugby Success!

Last night, in the pouring rain, the PE Department took a combination of Year 11 and Year 10 students to a tournament at Guildford Rugby Club.

Although the event came very early in the term and without any time to practise together, this did not hinder their performance nor motivation to succeed!

With a bare 15, the team took on George Abbot, Guildford County and Rodborough and won each match!

Mr Sabiston, Head of PE, said "The students were immense, performed to the highest levels and conducted themselves in a way that the whole school would be proud of."

Congratulations to the winning team:

Mikey, Hugo, Theo W, Alex, Theo K, Ollie, Andy, Jakub, Harry,  Aiden, Matthew, Miley, Connor, Asher and Morgan.