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St Peter's
Catholic School


Fairtrade at St Peter's

“Fairtrade is really important because it guarantees a good standard of living for those involved in producing the food. As a Catholic school we are committed to helping others and by promoting Fairtrade we can do a lot of good following the example of Christ”

(quote from St Peter’s student)

St Peter's School is proud to have been a Fairtrade School since 2008. 

In order to achieve this we undertake to:

  • Support the schools’ Fairtrade steering group made up of volunteers from the school community, with at least 50% of the group members being students
  • Ensure Fairtrade is part of the School Development Plan
  • Use Fairtrade products wherever possible: tea, coffee, sugar and biscuits in the staffroom and at meetings
  • In lessons and classrooms where relevant
  • In the Dining Hall
  • Encourage those who purchase goods, e.g. sports equipment and uniform to research Fairtrade alternatives and consider swapping, should this be feasible
  • Ensure Fairtrade products are available wherever possible, for example, at events in the school or the community
  • To ensure that learning about Fairtrade happens in a range of lessons and in whole school activities
  • Promote Fairtrade within the school and the wider community particularly during Fairtrade Fortnight
  • Do something extra each year to promote Fairtrade

If you have any queries about St Peter’s and Fairtrade please contact Miss Castellain

It was so nice to be able to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight properly again, and our students took advantage    and joined in the action.   As a Fairtrade school, we want the students to be aware of Fairtrade and the          help it gives both Fairtrade producers and workers to earn a fair wage in a decent working               environment.     This year there was an emphasis on how Fairtrade is tackling climate change ( (or see below)).   During  Fairtrade Fortnight our CAFOD Young Leaders set up a Taster Session for students (with a selection of many Fairtrade products to try).  They also helped, along with some very willing Year 8 and Year 10 volunteers to run a successful Fairtrade stall.