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St Peter's
Catholic School


St Peter's is an inclusive community, valuing all our students equally and seeking to meet their varied complex needs and aspirations. We not only teach the doctrines and principles of the Catholic faith but also seek to nurture in the students’ hearts and minds the knowledge and love of God. We also provide them with an experience of Christian community, which will influence and shape their future lives.

We are a community where students come to recognise their own worth and the worth of others. Students are helped to develop their spiritual life, where they learn that there are differences between right and wrong, and a community where social responsibility is promoted.

As a Catholic school, the spiritual life of the staff and students is an absolute priority. Each day, we enter into prayer either in tutor groups or in year assemblies and encourage maximum participation and community celebration in our times of prayer, masses and liturgies.  

Our Mission Statement

At St Peter’s Catholic School, our purpose is to be Christ to All.  We nurture independent, resilient, inquisitive and motivated lifelong learners. By being compassionate and generous in spirit, we aim to be a community whose every member feels uniquely valued. We strive to enable all to be courageous individuals, having the integrity and the spiritual strength to make a positive difference in the world.

Our School Prayer

Heavenly Father,

You are trustworthy and faithful.

You call us like Saint Peter to be steadfast in faith,

bold in action, and to fulfil our true potential.

Forgive us when we hold each other back.

Focus our eyes on those in need and empower us to help.

We thank you for the skills, talents and abilities you give us.

Help us to use them to be Christ to all

and to give our all to Christ.
